Sunday, April 27, 2008

My nails match my straw!!

Every so often we have a be nice to "insert kid or parent name here" day. If it is for one of the kids, Bear or I will take her out and do something special for her. This Saturday was the Show's turn.

We decided to take her out for her first mani-pedi combo. Bear obviously was not going to take part in this "bizarre girl ritual," so I was nominated. I am not very girly and the idea of spending hours at a nail salon makes my stomach turn but I love my girl and she really needed to be appreciated. Before we went to get our nails done, we stopped and picked her up a new set of flip-flops, so that here newly painted toes wouldn't smudge. She also found a set of bendy-straws in the shape of flip-flops. She chose to take the blue one for herself. We went to one of those asian owned, open late because they have to be places. The staff was really very nie but had troubl with English. After being welcomed, they asked us to pick out our nail polish colors. The Show went with a nice dark blue (her favorite color) and I went with a French manicure.

As we are picking out our colors though, we ran into a woman that we shall call "The Ugly American." The first thing that she does is ask us very politely to grab her color off the wall. Trying to be nice I start looking for it. The Ugly American, "Its the first row there, 5th one down." So, I point to the first row and look back at her. "Five! Row Five! Geez, its five! Can't you count!" she starts shouting. I look bak at her hand her a random polish and turn back to my girl. If I had been alone, I probably would have said a few choice phrases. Instead, I look at the Show and say, "That woman is kind of a bitch, stick close to me. She can be a jerk to be, but she had better leave you alone." I didn't realize how loud I was, because the entire shop looked at us and a few people giggled.

The Ugly American and her 4 year old daughter terrorize the nail salon staff for the next hour. This woman yells loudly at anyone who is slightly asian looking. Her daughter keeps moving chairs around and leaving her toys in various locations on the floor. The Show who is now starting to feel bad, looks at me and says loudly, "Wow, she really is kind of a B-word." This puts the shop into another fit of giggles.

As we get in the car to leave, she is so happy and excited. "My nails match my eyes! My nails match my shirt! My nails match my straw!" Girls are wierd!

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