Friday, April 18, 2008

Her foot in our mouths

A few months ago, Bear (my super awesome boyfriend) got really annoyed with a driver on the freeway. The kids were in the car so, he manages to keep it somewhat clean when he says "How appropriate! That guy is wearing a skull condom." In case you need help with the visual...
The comment was meant for just me. But I am pretty sure the Tyrant only hears things that she is not meant to and completely ignores anything she doesn't want to hear.

Later that evening, we stopped at a gas station/7-11 for a Slurpee. The Tyrant gets out of the back seat and sees a guy pumping gas with the aforemeantioned headgear. She shouts "DAD! Look! That guy is wearing a Skull Condom!!!" Her sisters burst out laughing. And of course, both Bear and I look at each other, not sure if we should laugh or turn bright red. The Tyrant looks at her giggling sisters and shouts, "Well, he is! Its a GIANT BLUE SKULL CONDOM!" By this point we are all laughing as we quickly usher her into the store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to stress that she said it in that long winded, drawn out "skuuuuuulllll coooonnndom" way. :)